Business Growth Planning & Strategy Development

This package is ideal for founders and business owners of FMCG or CPG brands that are wanting some structure with a 12 month roadmap and quarterly goals to provide focus and accountability.

We are a registered service provider for the Management Capability Fund with the Regional Business Partner network meaning you may qualify for funding towards these programs (up to $5k).

Rise Business Planning for growth pathways.
  • Course Overview

    Rebecca has 18 years experience working with, developing and observing the strategic frameworks and execution tactics by consumer-product brands in NZ the UK and the US to deliver growth.

    This information has been distilled into a 6 week program to provide you with a framework to carve out your own path to growth.

    You'll learn how to assess your current business barriers and opportunities; how to develop clear and actionable objectives for your target audience and most importantly how to prioritise them so you can get the greatest impact from your limited resources.

    This course can be run as a 1:1 or 1:many depending on your needs.

  • How it works

    This program contains 6 x 90minute modules to upskill you and your team with a business planning and strategy framework.

    Week 1: Course overview; the training framework and the importance of your vision, objectives & goals.

    Week 2: The discovery process - learn how to identify and understand opportunities and barriers to growth.

    Week 3: Learn to synthesise & summarise key themes

    Week 4: Learn to develop your target, positioning and objectives

    Week 5: Learn to prioritise your objectives & initiatives within your plan

    Week 6: How to bring it all together to create your "Plan on a page" that details your focus for the next 12 months.

  • Ideal For

    If you’re a founder or business owner of an FMCG or CPG brand wanting to gain focus and clarity to grow your business, this is for you.

    “I’ve got lots of different activity I’d like to do but I can’t do it all so I need some structure and a plan to know where to focus and keep me accountable”

    “I know we need a strategic plan to provide direction for how to get to where we need to go but I don't know where to start?”

  • Benefits

    You’ll learn how to:

    - use a clear framework to develop the future direction for your business;

    -develop quarterly goals to get you motivated and on track

    - prioritise initiatives so you can be highly focused with your resources;

    - develop a clear understanding of your target audience and brand positioning in the market;

    - allow you to replicate the process using the same framework every 12 months