Frequently asked questions

Frequently asked questions
  • There are various ways we can work together depending on what challenges are facing your business and your current needs. The best thing to do is fill in this form with your details or book in a Free Discovery call so we can have a chance to ‘meet’ each other and understand if and where there is fit. If you decide it sounds like I can support you with your goals, then we can discuss if the 1:1 or group program is the best fit for you. I understand the overwhelm that comes with trying to determine what and how that next phase of growth looks like for your business. By carving out that 30 minutes for a call to focus ‘on’ your business (rather than ‘in’) know you’re already on your way to improving the growth trajectory of your business. Get in touch now! If you’re not at that stage yet, that’s fine too. You can follow me at Rise Growth Lab on LinkedIn and Instagram for tips and tools.

  • A business growth plan will enable you to make choices about what you want to do, and where you want to play in order to reach your goals.

    It is a combination of frameworks and processes that will provide your business with a structured approach to growth. There are 6 core considerations for your growth plan:

    Leadership - cast a unifying vision with clear economic priorities

    Marketing - being clear on your target, brand positioning and objectives

    Sales - inviting your consumers into a conversation where you can solve their problem/s. Consumer-centricity is crucial here.

    Revenue streams - a deep understanding of the role and profitability of each stream is necessary to optimise your mix for both demand and profit.

    Overhead & Operations - keep your overheads lean

    Cash Flow - protect it, it’s the fuel tank of your business

    Like all strategic decision making, by actively deciding on what you will do and what you won’t do, you’ll have a clear plan to confidently achieve your growth ambitions.

  • The Rise Business Booster is the perfect place to start if you are feeling overwhelmed or stuck. These 1:1 sessions are designed to work with where you are at with your business. If you don’t know what the barrier or challenge is, we use our Summarise & Synthesise framework to identify the big rocks so you can know where to focus your efforts. Likewise if you’re really unsure where is best to start, you can share you details here and I’ll be in touch.

  • At the heart of the word 'strategy' is the concept of making choices. Choices about what to do and what NOT to do. As Steve Jobs famously said, deciding what not to do is as important as what to do. In the case of Marketing strategy, it's about making choices for these three simple questions:

    Who is your target customer (for each brand or segment)?

    What are your objectives for your target?

    How will you position your brand for your target customer (brand positioning or value proposition)?

    From here you can determine the tactics required to deliver on your objectives. These tactics can be split into 4 buckets: Product; Price; Integrated Communications; Place / Channel / Distribution. Always remember strategy before tactics!

    This is a core framework within all our Business Growth Programs.

  • Absolutely not! Marketing is more than brand communications. Whilst communication is a very important part of marketing (one of the key tactical levers), for communications to be successful, the heavy lifting needs to happen up front to ensure you nail the right message that will: a) resonate with your target at the right place and at the right time b) prompt them to take action (in line with your objectives).

    That’s why we enable our clients to develop a marketing strategy before deciding on and investing in communications channels.

  • One of the most important things you can do to influence the success of your business is to get to know your customers. Even with a low-to-no budget this is still possible and we discuss several low-cost options and methodologies available to help our clients with market research. The insight you gain about your customers attitudes, beliefs and behaviours will form the basis of your future roadmap.

  • Don’t worry, that’s very common. The Rise Business Booster is the perfect place to start if you are feeling overwhelmed with knowing what’s working and what isn’t. These 1:1 sessions are designed to work with where you are at with your business. If you don’t know what the barrier or challenge is, we use our Summarise & Synthesise framework to identify the big rocks so you can know where to focus your efforts. Likewise if you’re really unsure where is best to start, you can share you details here and I’ll be in touch.