Monthly Momentum

The Monthly Momentum package puts Rebecca on your virtual team to support you achieve your goals.

Together you’ll review past performance and set your focus for the month ahead to keep you on track and accountable. Rebecca will provide training & support to help you in the areas you need it most!

You will also gain access to the Rise partner network enabling you to connect with other industry experts.

Monthly packages available (3 month minimum).

Learn more

Rise Monthly Advisor to keep you on track and accountable for achieving your objectives.
  • Overview

    Rebecca has 18 years experience working with consumer brands across multiple categories and multiple international markets. Her experience spans corporate, start up and small business with her passion now to upskill founders and owners of consumer goods brands to navigate their next phase of growth.

    The monthly package provides you with advice, coaching, an extensive industry network and a sounding board to keep you on track to achieve your objectives.

    When specific focus areas for capability development are identified, you may be entitled to up to 50% funding from the Regional Business Partner network for this package.

  • How it works

    Up to 3 hours each month are allocated to focus on your business together. Each month you can also choose an area to deep dive into to take advantage of the Rise specialist network and extensive range of training materials, tools & templates.

    These sessions are designed to meet your needs at that point in time so remain flexible in content.

    If you want to bounce something off Rebecca during the month, send an email or text weekdays and she will get back to you within 12 hours.

  • Ideal For

    If you’re a founder or business owner of an consumer goods brand wanting support and accountability to grow your business, this is for you.

    “I need someone to keep me on track and accountable each month to achieve my goals. It’s also great having someone to bounce ideas off and help guide me.”

  • Benefits

    • Keep your goals top of mind.

    • Remain accountable for your goals

    • Review of monthly performance & key metric tracking

    • Specialist support to deep-dive and unlock challenges and opportunities in your business.

    • Share ideas and concerns to reduce overwhelm

    • Always-on availability throughout the month.